Hide and Sheep
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
Wooly is a sheep living a peaceful life on a little farm. But one day its farmer begins to behave somehow strange. Could it be all the highly toxic GMO substances he uses for the great corn field? It soon is clear that your only chance to survive is to flee as fast as possible! A game about a thrilling escape where comic meets film noir.
The prototype Hide and Sheep is a student project for the "Adventure" course of the University of the Arts (Zurich) - GameDesign.
Created by:
Myriam Assunção
Julian Schönbächler
Beat Suter
Christoph Polus
Florian Faller
Max Moswitzer
René Bauer
Install instructions
Download and extract the zip-file. On Windows: make sure the 'HideAndSheep_Data' folder lies next to the 'HideAndSheep.exe' file.